Tip: 1
Prepare your resume and detailed application form carefully.
Focus on each and every word that you have written on your resume.Search these
words and look for any similar with current affairs.
Tip: 2
Try to put yourself first as an individual and then build
upon different dimensions like social, economic, political, geographical,
scientific, literature, hobbies, historical, any particular life event from
which you have learnt something about the big picture of life, your role model-
who and why ethics and morality that you follow etc. Try to be very specific
with respect to the words written in resume. Lastly be thorough with your
graduation subject and optional.
Tip: 3
Prepare your state gk and current affairs. Like if there
is any river, port, park, the sanctuary of national importance. Important
places of tourism and recent government schemes to promote it, population, sex
ratio, different major social, economic, political problems in your state and
how you intend to portray a solution for the betterment of the same, any famous
cuisine of the state etc. Try to prepare them under same horizontal and
vertical parameters as in prelims and mains syllabus of UPSC.
Tip: 4
Same should be done for the country. Be aware of all relevant
debates going on in the society for and prepare 4-5 crisp points upon them in
favour and against. For example - major debates are Demonetization, GST,
Simultaneous Elections, Universal Basic Income, NPAs, Role of Governor, Budget
changes etc.
Tip: 5
Same should be done for the world. The common issues
recently going on like the International policy, Brexit, Automation and 4th
Industrial Revolution, UN reforms, WTO important issues with respect to India,
G20 summit, BRICS summit, Kigali meeting, COP Paris, Olympics, para Olympics
etc. One must be thorough with State, India and world map.
Tip: 6
Prepare the following common questions:
- Why do you want to join civil services?
- Why do you want to become IAS/IFS/IPS/IRS?
- Why a particular type of preference that is to choose one service over other?
- What changes would you like to bring if given the opportunity and how would you bring about those changes?
- Do you think citizens have very little faith in law and administration these days? If so how would you recover the same?
- If you are a science background student opting for humanity optional then you must have a convincing reason for the same.
Tip: 7
Write down as many questions as you think can arise by
looking at your DAF. The more questions you prepare more will be the
probability of having sufficient material to answer their questions. Then take
a few mock interviews in any institute or among serious per aspirants for
expert opinion.
Tip: 8
Be confident and have faith in
yourself. This is the most important factor in all of the above, All the best!!!