Important Indus Valley Sites and Archaeological Discoveries

Important Indus Valley Sites and Archaeological Discoveries

Archaeological sites
Discovered by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921-1923
Situated on river Ravi’s Bank in Montgumery  Distt. Of Punjab (Pakistan).
A statue of dancing Natraj,Cemetery H & R37, Coffin Burrial, Phallus worship, mother Goddess and Graveyard was found.

(Mound of Deads)
Discovered by RD Bannerji in 1922.
Situated on River Indus in Larkana distt. Of Punjab ( Pakistan).
Great bath, temple like place, statue of dancing girl, Ivory weight balance, The great Granary,Collegiate Building and Assembly hall are the special features.
Pashupatinath seal, fragment of woven cotton are found there.
Discovered by NG Majumdar in 1931.
Situated on the bank of the river Indus in Sindh (Pakistan).
Bangle, Ink pot, Bronze sculptures of bullock cart and ekkas  are found there.
Rice evidences are also found there.
Discovered by SR Rao in 1954.
Situated on the bank of river Bhogava.
Cities were divided in cradles, lower towns and dockyards.
Evidences of rice are also found there.
Discovered by BB Lal  in 1961.
Situated on the river Ghaggar.
Ploughed field, wooden furrows, bones of camel and seven firealtars are found there.
Discovered by JP Joshi in 1972.
Situated on  the river Luni of Kachchh (Gujarat).
Evidences of unique water system , Harappan inscription and stadiums are found there.
Discovered by  JP Joshi in 1972.
Situated between the rivers Sabarmati and Bhogava.
Evidences of horse, oval graves and pit burial are found there.
Discovered by RS Bisht in 1973.
Situated on the river Saraswati.
Pre Harappan, Harappan culture and barley evidences are found there.