The Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate

Introduction:- Delhi became the capital of kingdom under Tomara Rajput – defeated in 20th century by Chauhans of Ajmer. Due to this Delhi became an important commercial centre. The transformation of Delhi into a capital started with the foundation of Delhi sultanate in the beginning of 13th Century . Jan Merchants ade many temples in Delhi

Rulers Of Delhi: 
Rajput Dynasty:-
1. Tomaras Early 12th cen. – 1165
2. Ananga Pala 1130 – 1145
3. Chauhans 1165 – 1192
4. Prithvi Raj Chauhan 1175 – 1192

Early Turkish Ruler (1206-1210)
1. Qutbuddin Aybak 1206-1210
2. Shamsuddin 1210-1236
3. Raziyya 1236-1240
4. Ghiyasuddin Balban 1266-1287

Khalji Dynasty (1290-1320)

1. Jalaluddin Khalji 1290-1296
2. Alauddin Khalji 1296-1316

Tughluq Dynasty (1320-1414)

1. Ghiyasuddin Tughluq 1320-1324
2. Muhammad Tughluq 1324-1351
3. Firuz Shah Tughluq 1351-1388

Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451) 

1. Khizr Khan 1414-1421

Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526) 1. Bahlul Lodi 1451-1489

Delhi Sultans:
· ‘Histories’ that are known as tarikh were written in Persian language.
· The authors of tawarikh were learned men-secretaries, administrators, poets and courtier.
· They often wrote histories of Sultans in hope of good rewards.
· They advise rulers to preserve an ideal social order based on birthright and gender distinction.

# In 1236 Sultan Iltutmis’s daughter Raziyya became Sultan but Minhaj –i Siraj was not comfortable
    to make a women Sultan. She was removed from throne in 1240.

$ Some important Mosque of Delhi –

1. Quwwat al Islam – This mosque and minerate built during the last decade of 12th century.
This was the first mosque built by Delhi Sultans. The mosque enlarged by Iltutmish and Alauddin    Khalji. The minar was built by Qutbuddin Aybak and Iltutmish.
2. Begampuri Mosque – Built in reign of Muhamad Tughluq, the main mosque of Jahanpanah, the “Sanctuary of the World”
3. Moth Ki Masjid – Built in the reign of Sikandar Lodi by his minister.
4. Mosque of Jamali- kamali built in late 1520’s.

Administration And Consolidation Under the Khaljis And Tughluqs:-

Consolidation of Delhi Sultanate was very vast. Sultanate appoints their purchased slaves called bandagan instead of governors. They appoint their sons as governors and generals. For example – Official of Sultan Muhammad Tughluq appointed Aziz Khummar- a wine distiller , Firuz – a barber , Manka Tabbakh- a cook, two gardener – Ladha and Pira.

➤ The Khalji and Tughluq monarchs appointed military commander as governor of territories .
 ➤These lands were known as ekta.
➤Duty of Muqti was to lead military compaigns and maintain law and order in their ektas.